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The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer

Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in Pittsburgh's Squirrel Hill neighborhood has been described as a "Tudor Jewel Box" with its beautiful high altar, beam ceiling, Depression-era stained glass, and dark carved wood. The organ was originally built to Neo-Baroque specifications by Gress-Miles in 1978. The Great and Swell divisions were installed, but the Positiv division was never realized. In 2007, working with the church staff and committees, it was decided to make select additions and modifications to the present instrument, yet not to the original builders plan. The organ as originally built lacked many of the subtle and colorful voices used for accompaniment. To remedy this the swell box was expanded, and an Oboe unit, a Salicional, Voix Celeste, and 4' Principal unit were installed. The Swell mutations were revoiced to blend better with the ensemble, and a 16' Lieblich Bourdon extension was added to the Great Chimney Flute. The console was rebuilt with new stop jambs, coupler rail, and a multi-level combination memory system. The formerly disused Positiv manual is now home to several borrowed stops from the Swell division, allowing greater flexibility in the use of color and solo stops.

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