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Grace United Methodist Church

Hagerstown, Maryland

2 Manuals, 24 ranks

Great (unenclosed)

16' Bourdon

8' First Open Diapason

8' Second Open Diapason

8' Stopped Diapason

8' Harmonic Flute (Solo)

8' Salicional (Swell)

8' Voix Celeste (Swell)

4' Octave

4' Flute

2' Super Octave

III Mixture

8' Trumpet (Swell)

8' Oboe (Swell)

4' Clarion (Swell)


Solo (floating & enclosed)

8' Harmonic Flute

8' Gamba

8' Gamba Celeste

V Cornet (Swell)

8' Clarinet

16' Tuba Mirabilis TC

8' Tuba Mirabilis

4' Tuba Clarion

Solo Tremulant




Swell (enclosed)

16' Contra Salicional

8' Open Diapason

8' Chimney Flute

8' Salicional

8' Voix Celeste TC

4' Principal

4' Open Flute

2-2/3 Nasard TC

2' Fifteenth

2' Piccolo

1-3/5 Tierce TC

III Mixture

16' Contra Fagotto

8' Trumpet

8' Oboe

4' Clarion

Swell Tremulant



32' Contra Bourdon (1-12 digital)

16' Diapason (ext)

16' Subbass

16' Lieblich Bourdon (Great)

16' Contra Salicional (Swell)

8' Open Diapason (Great)

8' Chimney Flute (Swell)

8' Viole (Great)

4' Choral Bass (Great)

32' Contra Fagotto (1-12 digital)

16' Trombone

16' Fagotto (Swell)

8' Trumpet (Swell)

4' Clarion (Swell)


Swell to Great 16-8-4

Solo to Great

Solo to Swell

Great to Pedal

Swell to Pedal 8-4

Solo to Pedal 8-4

Swell to Swell 16

Swell Unison Off

Swell to Swell 4


1 - 12 General

1 - 8 Great Divisional

1 - 8 Swell Divisional

1 - 4 Solo Divisional

Set Piston

General Cancel


Zimbelstern Reversible

Great to Pedal Reversible

Swell to Pedal Reversible


Toe Studs


1 - 12 General

1 - 4 Pedal Divisional

32' Contra Bourdon Reversible

32' Contra Fagotto Reversible



Great to Pedal Reversible

Swell to Pedal Reversible

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