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Luley Organ Company
Builders of fine pipe organs since 1983
St. Maximilian Kolbe Roman Catholic Church
16' Bourdon pipes awaiting installation
Pedal 16' Subbass pipes awaiting cleaning and reinstallation.
1959 Moller console from St. Anthony's church, gutted prior to refitting.
1916 Estey Viole before restoration and revoicing as the 8' Voix Celeste
The refurbished 1916 Estey pipes for the 8' Voix Celeste
Great 4' Octave pipes awaiting voicing.
The Great 8' Open Diapason on the voicing chest.
The Swell 8' Salicional on the voicing chest.
The Swell 2-2/3 Nasard on the voicing chest
Console combination action system installed.
Former St. Anthony Moller console with new stop rail prior to finishing.
Framing of the main swell wind chest
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